Challenge / Problem: 
Create a mobile/web app that can encourage positive thinking and mental health for a diverse set of users, specifically targeting teenagers and those who suffer from depression, anxiety, and other disorders.

Solution / Goal: 
From ideation to design, I created a shorthand journaling app that helps the user document their day and provides a feature to reflect on their mental health, moods/emotions, and events of their day that led them to feel what they reported in their reminder notification. Other features include social/support groups to interact with others.

UX Designer 

Information Architecture
UI Design

I did research on user needs when it comes to journaling and mental health to create an understanding on what the primary goals of this app should be. To understand the target demographics, I created rudimentary personas to ensure I cover their needs. By exploring impractical solutions, opportunities and unintended consequences, I created different features that could be implemented within the app, allowing for different use cases. I also did research on competitor applications that fell under the categories of journaling, for the basic user, and wellness apps for the more robust users. 

Emotion Survey: 
I want my users to feel motivated and supported while using this because this application operates to provide those resources and outlets to its users. If the users leave feeling depression or lack of support, then this application has failed. It’s important for users to come away feeling positive feelings, especially those who suffer with this disorder or a lack of understanding of their emotions.

Impact Inventory: 
In order for this app to be successful, understanding my users and their needs will allow me to implement features to cater to those needs- whether users range from daily journalers to those who seek alternatives to therapy. When socialization is available within any platform, there will ultimately be disagreements-I’ve realized that rules need to be implemented. Keeping a watch on the possible pitfalls will help avoid time consuming changes down the road.

User Persona: 
During ideation, serving a wider range of users was my original goal. I kept my primary user pool to those who suffer from depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders. In order to destigmatize mental health in society, we need to normalize talking about mental health first and have a deep understanding of it, such as triggers, and providing resources to help them. Other users that I want to consider are those who journal daily, or would like to. The foundation of the application is to journal and features that build on that are reflection and resources.

Business & User Goals:
Business Goals
- Providing resources
- Appeal to a wide user base    
- Help people lead healthier lives by focussing on their mental health
User Goals
- Access to mental healthcare
- Quick entries for minimum users
- Simple application for wide range of users
Shared Goals
- Access to mental healthcare
- Quick entries for minimum users
- Simple application for wide range of users

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