This idea was originally a passion project of mine to design and develop a web app. As part of our UX Studio course, we were tasked to design a web or mobile product that we were interested in. I took this opportunity to bring my passion project into the coursework.
Problem Statement
I am a graphic designer who works remotely. 
I am trying to remember to take breaks during the workday 
But forget to take them 
Because I get too focused on my task 
Which makes me feel exhausted by the end of the day.
How Might We
How might we increase healthy habits while supporting people in time management and task completion?
Develop a user-informed understanding of how people incorporate healthy habits while managing time. 
Understand the current challenges people face working from home with time management and being sedentary. 
Design a product that improves the user experience of prioritizing healthy habits and accomplishing tasks without burning out.
Create a web application that automates applying the pomodoro technique.
User Testing
(2) software developer
(1) graphic designer
(1) receptionist
When choosing the demographics for my User Testing phase, I had to keep in mind those who are generally in a static position throughout their day. When asking those to take part in this test, I spoke with a few who were in the medical field and was told that being stationary was not part of their day as they are mainly on their feet. I chose to ask those who were in fields that were tied to their computers to take part in this user testing. 
1. How often do you take breaks during your workday?
   - Less than 3 times a day
   - 4–8 times a day
   - More than 8 times a day
2. Have you ever worked through your lunch?
   - Yes, often
   - Yes, rare
   - No
3. Do you regularly work at your desk?
   - Yes
   - No
User Testing Initial Results
What is this about?

Just timer with a play button—do not know how to use this application.

Looked around to find details on what this is, but found nothing.

I do not understand it so I do not want to press play yet, even though big and tempting

Then press play and notice a countdown, figured that is the allotted time to work and can see a break coming up, but do not know how this tool is supposed to help them.


Something explaining what this is and how to use it, (?) icon or tip 
Playing the 11-Star Exercise
During the ideation process of this product, I did an exercise to imagine what's an 11 star experience would be if someone used my app. It allowed me to think outside the box and explore features that I didn't imagine initially. 
If someone were to use my app, what would a 1 star experience be? What would a 5 star experience be? I went through iterations ranging from 1 to 11 star experiences from a user point of view.
While having a personal assistant scour through your schedule each morning and create you a custom pomodoro schedule with breaks, meetings, and time blocks accounted for was a little out of the realm of possibilities, creating a Google Calendar integration that auto-calculates breaks between meetings might be more possible.
User Testing Final Results
Did not realize that the Google Calendar integration was even an option as a feature.

Addressed all issues that occurred during first iteration.

Did it do its job?

Informed users of a time management technique.

Reminds users to take breaks in an environment where they do not get natural breaks, such as coworkers dropping by.

This product consistently reminds users to take small breaks but allows time to focus on tasks.

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